Wednesday, April 30, 2014

NaPoWriMo 2014 Day 30

It's the last day of NaPoWriMo.  I read that there were 1,500 participants this year which equals 45,000 poems -  That's a lot of poetry!

It's one thing to write but it takes a lot of courage to post your work to the world and with the short time span, there's not a lot of editing going on.
Hats off to everyone who participated!!

Thanks to all my friends who read and liked my poems and a special thanks to my friend Rosanne who kept me motivated throughout the month while writing her own poems in "Work in The Margin"  It's definitely more fun to write when you have others to encourage you and bounce off your ideas.

And now for my final 2014 NaPoWriMo poem....

Never say goodbye
cause you never know
Just which way
the wind will blow

Never say goodbye
It's just too sad
Always remember
the times you had

Never, ever say goodbye
Endings always make my cry

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

NaPoWriMo 2014 Day 29

I'll make a secret wish and send it on it's way
Tomorrow when it comes will be a bright new day

I'll make a secret wish and hope it will come true
Everything from now on, will be brand new

I'll make a secret wish when I turn out the light
This is what I'll dream all through the night

Monday, April 28, 2014

NaPoWriMo 2014 Day 28

Scoops of ordinary days
Light sprinkles of sadness and sorrow 
Spoonfuls of laughter and love
Gobs of happiness
Topped with fond memories that make up my life

Sunday, April 27, 2014

NaPoWriMo 2014 Day 27

I've noticed that my poems post on Pacific Time I'm grateful because it makes this late night post still Under the Wire..

No sound is heard - none
All is peaceful and quiet
Time stands still right now

Saturday, April 26, 2014

NaPoWriMo 2014 Day 26

I wish for you
A dream come true
and every happiness

A simple prayer I give
your life I hope it is
ever filled with new

May laughter and sweet smiles
take you through the miles
all the days you live

Friday, April 25, 2014

NaPoWriMo 2014 Day 25

Tonight's prompt - an Anaphora.  Anaphora is a literary term for the practice of repeating certain words or phrases at the beginning of multiple clauses or, in the case of a poem, multiple lines. The phrase "A time to," is a good example of anaphora.

I was sitting here tonight thinking about friendship.  I am really fortunate in that I have seven friends that I can really say are here for me always.  Each relationship is unique - some go back to my early childhood and I know that I could call any of them day or night for any reason at all.   This is to my best friends!

My true friends are always there
and I will keep them in my prayers
My true friends let me talk
and I know they'll never walk
My true friends laugh with me
and when I'm sad they let me be
My true friends stand by my side
and hold me up when it's a rough ride
My true friends are the best
and I know I'm truly blessed

Thursday, April 24, 2014

NaPoWriMo 2014 Day 24

From the NaPoWriMo FB Page - write a poem that begins with the last thing you can remember
someone saying to you today or yesterday. See if you can use that line two or three times.

I took the liberty of using a last line said to me in a "yesteryear"

See ya in a few.....
I wish that I knew
that this was the last
and now it's in the past

See ya in a few
the times we had were few
when compared to the whole
it rips apart my soul

Now all things are new
See ya in a few.....

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

NaPoWriMo 2014 Day 23

I worked a couple of late evenings this week and I'm drained. Therefore, I declare this Haiku Wednesday!

Stillness all around
On an evening when I'm tired
Is a welcome friend

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

NaPoWriMo 2014 Day 22

Today we were asked to write a children's poem - I thought I'd write about my dog - who doesn't love a pup!

This is the story of Shadow

Once there was a dog named Shadow
She was looking for a home
I brought her to my house
So she'd never be alone

She really is quite lovely
And happy every day
The thing she likes the most
Is to go outside and play

I think she was a gift
From heaven up above
She really is a sweetheart
And all she knows is love

Monday, April 21, 2014

NaPoWriMo 2014 Day 21

Imagine there's a garden,
That always is in bloom.
And the door is hidden,
Inside this very room.

Walk inside the garden,
And fill your lungs with air.
Not anyone who enters,
Can bring inside despair.

Notice in the corner,
A little set of stairs.
And at the top you'll see,
A table and two chairs

Waiting at the table
Yes, it's really me
Hoping  that you'll sit
And have a cup of tea

Sunday, April 20, 2014

NaPoWriMo 2014 Day 20

It's time for a Triolet - A triolet is an eight-line poem.  All the lines are in iambicic tetramenter (for a total of eight syllables per line), and the first, fourth, and seventh lines are identical, as are the second and final lines.  This means that the poem begins and ends with the same couplet.  Beyond this, there is a tight rhyme scheme (helped along by the repetition of lines) - ABaAabAB.

A different girl I would be
Somewhere in a different land
If you had never looked at me
A different girl I would be
I guess it's pretty plain to see
Though it is hard to understand
A different girl I would be
Somewhere in a different land

Saturday, April 19, 2014

NaPoWriMo 2014 Day 19

It's Earth Day - my garden is tilled and ready for planting.    I just love everything about this time of the year

Each morning
As I wake, I feel
Thankful and full of

Yet another day is here!

Friday, April 18, 2014

NaPoWriMo 2014 Day 18

Today's challenge is to write a ruba'i -- a Persian form - a four-line stanza with a rhyme scheme of AABA.  Multiple stanzas are a rubaiyat.

I don't really have much going on in my head tonight - that may just be the weekend kicking in and I'm not altogether sure this format works for me either it feels a little choppy.....

It's Friday night and I'm feeling fine
I guess it's time for another rhyme
Finally sitting down to rest
I might just have a glass of wine

Thursday, April 17, 2014

NaPoWriMo 2014 Day 17

Today's prompt is to write a poem using at least 3 of the 5 senses -it also just happens to be National Haiku Day - here is my attempt to accommodate both....

Smell change in the wind
See new possibilities
Taste life that's ahead

Hear panic and doubt
Feel the fear holding you back
And still, Embrace it

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

NaPoWriMo 2014 Day 16

What would National Poetry Writing Month be without at least one Limerick - and this one is all about me........

There once was a girl named Kate
Who always stayed up way too late
Her mind would just roam
Till she made up a poem
Cause it's just so much fun to create

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

NaPoWriMo 2014 Day 15

Today's prompt is to write a poem in Terza Rima.  It consists of three-line stanzas, with a "chained" rhyme scheme. The first stanza is ABA, The second is BCB, the third is CDC and so on.  A common way of ending a Terza Rima poem is with a single line standing on its own, rhyming with the middle line of the preceding three-line stanza. This looks fairly interesting so I thought I'd give it a try.....

It was a strange and quiet day
and i didn't have a plan
nor anything to say

but then i nearly ran
with certainly no reason
when i saw that man

what an odd season

Monday, April 14, 2014

NaPoWriMo 2014 Day 14

Today was a beautiful day and I was happy to be off after a very long and busy weekend. I spent the day cleaning and changing curtains to welcome in Spring.....

Open the windows
Let in the fresh air and light
Let you soul revive

Sunday, April 13, 2014

NaPoWriMo 2014 Day 13 - Putting on the New Day

Putting on the new day
A fresh start
A different way

Opening a new book
The first step
A different look

Yesterday is left behind
All the past
Is out of mind

A fresh start
A different way 
Putting on the new day

Saturday, April 12, 2014

NaPoWriMo 2014 Day12

A Little Slice of Happiness - served up with a  little Haiku.......

A nice cup of tea
Some laughter and good friends
What else can be said

Friday, April 11, 2014

NaPoWriMo 2014. Day 11

The didactic cinquains is embraced by young adults and older poets for its expressive simplicity and refers  to word count, not syllables and stresses. Ordinarily, the first line is a one-word title, the subject of the poem; the second line is a pair of adjectives describing that title; the third line is a three-word phrase that gives more information about the subject; vvthe fourth line consists of four words describing feelings related to that subject; and the fifth line is a single word synonym or other reference for the subject from line one.

Rest, relaxation
Dancing, singing, laughing
Enjoying moments of fun

Thursday, April 10, 2014

NaPoWriMo 2014 Day 10 - The Tanka

So now it's time for the Tanka -- frankly I just like the way that sounds -- "The Tanka"

The Japanese Tanka is a thirty-one-syllable poem, traditionally written in a single unbroken line.  A form of waka, Japanese song or verse, Tanka translates to "short song" and is better known in its five-line 5/7/5/77 syllable count form.

I'm a little close to the wire tonight, so I'll see if I can make it under......

A barren wasteland
The last of a tough winter
So now we will wait
As the darkness turns to light
And we watch for the first bud

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

NaPoWriMo 2014 Day 9

I should probably write a Haiku at least once a week - even though they look like a 30 second poem, they really take a little longer to get them right. 

This week the weather has been amazing and it makes me want to write a little short haiku about my favorite season Spring......

The days grow longer
Butterflies will be here soon
Spring is everywhere

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

NaPoWriMo 2014 Day 8

A Little Bit of Gratitude on My Birthday

Thank you God for another year
Happiness, family and friends are near
Another year another day
No regrets I have to say
Kindness goes a long, long way

You cannot get as old as me
Over time I've come to see
Unless you are blessed by Thee

Monday, April 7, 2014

NaPoWriMo 2014 Day 7

A guarded heart
Keeps pain away
No chance for hurt
Or sorrow today

No pain allowed
No sadness here
The door is shut 
There is no fear

Close it now
It's out of mind
And even love
Gets left behind

Sunday, April 6, 2014

NaPoWriMo 2014 Day 6

A peaceful evening
No wind or rain
Quiet thoughts
Are what remain
An evening prayer
A little wish
Tomorrow please
Be just like this

Saturday, April 5, 2014

NaPoWriMo 2014 Day 5 The Golden Shovel

Today's prompt is a Golden Shovel.....basically the last word of each line in your poem is a word from another poem.  I took an Emily Dickinson 

Luck is not chance (1350)

  by Emily Dickinson
Luck is not chance—
It's Toil—
Fortune's expensive smile
Is earned—
The Father of the Mine
Is that old-fashioned Coin
We spurned

And so here goes.....

I took a chance
It was my luck
And now it's mine
You gave me that
Your smile

Friday, April 4, 2014

Just a little Lune

Two great things today -

I finally made it to a yoga class - the first in a very loooong time.....
and today's prompt a lune is a sort of English-language variation on the haiku,  a three-line stanza. The first line has three words. The second line has five, and the third line has three. 

I love a Haiku!

Love you Yoga
Yes, I have missed you
Feeling great now!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Throwback Thursday

drifting back to carefree days
riding bikes
jumping rope
dreams of the future 
so much hope
silly things we did all day
lots of play
I think about those things and see
that carefree girl
inside of me

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Woodpecker

Pounding, hammering
such a steady beat
the work it just seems endless
yet sap's an awesome treat

A steady rhythm through the day
and nightfall brings a rest
nesting in a wondrous home
a carved and roomy nest

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A new Season

 NaPoWriMo 2014 has begun!  

And so I pause and I ask...prompt or no prompt?  The choice is entirely up to me.   Last year I didn't use the prompts - maybe once or twice.....

Today's prompt is Bibliomancy Oracle - the Oracle gives you a thought and you take it from there.  So I went to the prompt and > nothing, nadda!

So the answer to my question is this - no prompt for me - at least not today.

I thought today I'd start with my favorite - a Haiku.  I learned how to write these in grade school.  I like them because they are short and to the point- perfect for the first day warm up.

Same disclosure as last year - like everything, I give this my best - it's not a competition, it's about having fun.  If you read my poems and like them, please let me know, if not, kindness would be greatly appreciated.

Over is winter
A new season has begun
My only thought YAY